Monday, September 11, 2017

PE - Coach Jendrusch K-1 Grade

This week we are getting the chance to enjoy the field.  Classes are getting to run around the giant field.  At the end of their lap they realize how large the field really is!  We are working on game strategies and spatial awareness.  The game we are learning is Capture the Flag.  This game takes a lot of skill and team work  It will be a joy to see them work thru difficult situations and come out on top.

Music - Mrs. Trujillo 4th Grade

4th Grade Music
Week of  September 11

This week we will explore:
       *Rhythmic Ostinatos
       *Time Signatures in Simple Time
       *Franz Schubert
       *Symphonic Form

Where words fail, music speaks.

Music - Mrs. Trujillo 3rd Grade

3rd Grade Music
Week of  September 11

This week we will explore:
       *Review Note Values
       *Introduce Dotted Half Notes
       *Frederic Handel

Where words fail, music speaks.

                                              Hans Christian Andersen

Spanish - Mrs. Fernandez K-2 Grade

This week is a cultural studies week. Students in grades K, 1st and 2ndwill be learning the history of dieciseis de   septiembre, Mexico’s independence day.

Art - Mrs. Northway K-3 Grade

Quarter 1, Week 4, 2017
We spent the week tracing stencils and cutting out organic shapes as in La Gerbe, by Matisse.
This coming week, we will combine all cut shapes to create a similar collage mural in the classroom.
Description: \\SSBCUSA.local\US1000\US1020\FR\US1020-Theresa.North\Desktop\Lesson Plans Fall 2017\Week 4 Q1 2017-18\kinder\flat,800x800,070,f.jpg

“La Gerbe” Henri Matisse (above)
Matisse and assistant in studio:
Description: \\SSBCUSA.local\US1000\US1020\FR\US1020-Theresa.North\Desktop\Lesson Plans Fall 2017\Week 4 Q1 2017-18\kinder\matisse-cutting.jpg Description: \\SSBCUSA.local\US1000\US1020\FR\US1020-Theresa.North\Desktop\Lesson Plans Fall 2017\Week 4 Q1 2017-18\kinder\jacqueline-duheme.jpg 
First Grade:  Element of Art – LINE
Continued watercolor line samplers on watercolor paper:

Students chose their best practice designs from their sketchbooks to duplicate on two small pieces of watercolor paper.

After copying designs with pencils, we traced them with a grease pencil (serving as a resist to the watercolor).

On one card, the empty white spaces were filled with watercolor, using the primary colors; on the other card, we used the secondary colors.

We also discussed the best consistency of the paint and the proper way to hold the paintbrush.…standing vertical and tall like a ballerina on tip toes as opposed to scooting the bottom of the brush across the paper!

Second Grade:  Element of Art – Shape
Bi lateral symmetry printed butterflies:
The students learned:
Basic Printmaking concepts;
We made large symmetrical butterfly “prints” by folding 11x14”cardstock in half and painting the linear details of a monarch butterfly on one side, then folding to print the lines onto the other side.
Next time we met, we continued to practice blending oil pastels by filling in the white space with color.  However, I chose the “Rainbow Butterfly” as our reference for colors instead of the Monarch.  The black line markings on the Rainbow Butterfly are very similar to the Monarch.
Description: C:\Users\US1020-Theresa.North\Downloads\Rainbow-butterfly-wallpaper-for-mobile.jpg

See, Think, Wonder:
Discussed how Andy used papers to blot his painted lines to make them more imperfect like the lines on our symmetrical butterfly prints.
Description: \\SSBCUSA.local\US1000\US1020\FR\US1020-Theresa.North\Desktop\andy warhol butterflies 1955.jpg
From Andy Warhol’s Endangered Species series

Third Grade:  Element of Art – LINE
This week, we completed two contour drawings of roses on Bristol board. We will finish by inking over one of the pencil drawings and mounting both drawings onto black Bristol board for hallway display.
Contour drawing of roses by Henri Matisse (below):

Art - Mr. Langsfeld & Mr. Donoho 3-6 grade

3rd Grade: Having worked on contour line drawings of their hands and portraits last week, the students will work on contour line drawings of roses. 

4th Grade: We started working on a short project of making an animal out of cut-out shapes of construction paper. The students are doing a tremendous job at identifying the basic shapes within a complex form and building it up to a finished product.

5th Grade: Having worked on an abstract line drawing last week, the 5th graders are moving on to how to properly draw the head and face. Students will learn techniques for constructing the head and identifying correct proportions of the face.

6th Grade: Last week we began working on an oil pastel master copy of a Vincent van Gogh landscape painting. We will continue to work on the pieces this week. The students are doing a marvelous job at correctly copying the van Gogh in pencil and have just recently moved to applying the color with the oil pastels.

Music Ms. Caranto k-2

Music Blog Week 4

            This week in Music with Miss Caranto, Kindergarten will be reviewing their 5 Voices (speaking, singing, humming, whisper, thinking) using known simple chants and rhymes. They are also beginning to sing “solo” in a short song called “Doggie, Doggie.” 1st Grade will be practicing experiencing melodic contour, which we call the “shape of the melody” through known songs. They will be learning a new song to introduce them to musical concepts like crescendo and decrescendo. 2nd grade will be practicing their “detective” skills, detecting errors in rhythm of known songs, and they are beginning to learn “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” which Headmaster Keffer would like all students to sing once a week when the PA system is up and running.